Michael McGill

Level 8


I’ve felt all the emotions possible in that little black room, on and off stage. I’ve met the most vibrant, and cheerful lecturers, who’ve led me into this new way of viewing the world. It feels awful to end this final year and say goodbye to them with a ‘leave meeting’ button. Because of them, I can’t walk down a street without looking at someone on the other side as a character with their own story and movements. I can’t view another film or play without intense thought regarding the performers journey to becoming the character. I’m forever shifted in thought and I’m all the better for it.

Never will I find a more interesting group of classmates again. I’ve met some of the nicest friends in this course. Some will be for life. No matter where I go next, the experiences and the friends this course has given me have been invaluable tools for the road ahead.